
Framed pictures, 21 x 21cm
Photos shape our memories: the framed photos on our walls or the photo albums on the table. What happens when all our photos are saved on a digital platform, al ways accessible but also absent in the continuum of dai ly life? Will we only be waiting for the new photo to be taken or received? Will the present be reduced to a No post yet"? What link will we then be able to create bet ween the past and the present? This work questions the influence of technology in the way we deal with photos in our daily lives.

Instagram account
An Instagram account has been opened ,,No Posts Yet" Every day a new screenshot of the blank page with the well-known mention ,No Posts Yet" is published. We find the traditional icon of the camera in a circle that appears on the new accounts not yet active. But this account is active! It publishes unpublished photos: what is publis hed ,No Posts Yet" must be understood as unpublished. A vicious circle? It is rather a critical approach inviting to leave the world of Instagram and to be interested in the world around us.